Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I'm not just scared, I'm terrified.

Ever felt that way? When just the thought of something makes your stomach turn and makes you feel like you're gonna puke?

I've been feeling like that a lot lately.

Towards the beginning of this summer I started to think about and pray about something that will change my life. I'm going to Word of Life Bible Institute in about 2 weeks from now but in Argentina Word of Life has a bible institute there and they have a bilingual program. It's purpose is to learn a second language while serving on the mission field.

All summer it's just been a prayer, a thought, and rarely a spoken idea except when I was asked about what I wanted to do after my time at WOLBI. But now it's becoming more real. I sent an email to them a few days back and I got a response this morning.They're excited about my interest about being apart of their program.

Now my stomach is in knots. What an amazing opportunity it would be to live in Argentina and learn spanish first hand, all the while being apart of the mission field?!! I would go after my year in New York and my summer ministry up there....

 But see, I'm terrified at the thought of being away from home for so long. I'm terrified at the idea of being in a world where I won't understand the language, atleast for the first few months.

So I'm asking you to PRAY. I want only what the Lord wants and if this is what He wants in my life....

Here I am Lord, send me.

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