Saturday, November 5, 2011


It bothers me that as Christians we're so quick to judge not just the world but eachother. It drives me CRAZY! People become so legalistic about things and start to feel as though it's their job to judge others. Whenever you feel the urge to judge others because they talk a certian way, dress a certain way, etc. why not go to the bible which clearly says "I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die." ~ Galatians 2:2

I tried to earn Gods love essentially by only wearing skirts...stupid right? But I followed that trend and became friends with girls just "like me". I start wearing jeans and then boom they're gone. People started dropping me as friends, the funny thing is that it was the ones from online that were all about God's love.


  1. Since you asked, I thought I'd answer. Modesty is a issue of the heart. There is a reason why you changed the way you dress, and it's probably not a Biblical reason. And whether we like it or not, people associate us with our friends. If I were to go to the beach with a girl who is wearing a bikini, I'm sure no one would have any respect for me even if I was wearing a long dress and long sleaves. I'm not accusing you of such actions, but the example is still the same. You may only be comprimising on dress today, but tomorrow it will be something else.

  2. LOVE this post!!!

    There's a fine line between following a Biblical standard of modesty and adding in our own preconceived ideas and "rules" about how people should look based on what we're used to seeing. The standard of what exactly is immodest will always be somewhat subjective, because we're all different people with different experiences and opinions and thoughts. (What is suggestive or excessively revealing to one person might not be to another person.) So I do think it's good to err on the side of being cautious so that we aren't a stumbling block to others. But I find it SO sad that people are so quick to judge anything that looks different from what they're used to. Just because it's different from "how we've always done it" does NOT mean that it is outside of Biblical standards. Sometimes it just means it's different.
