Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wasting my time

God's really been breaking my heart. I try to remember why I'm here at Word of Life Bible Institute, I'm trying to remember that putting myself under the teachings of men that love God and being able to have the time to be in the word all day for a whole year is something that God has blessed me with. But then my heart keeps breaking when I read news reports and blogs and I'm left to feel like I'm wasting my time...I want to be out in the world feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving hope to the lost. I want to be out in the world. God help me.


  1. Hey! Thanks for following. :) I was really HIT by the post right above this one... to the point of tears and an aching heart for the very same reason that you wrote about in THIS post. I want to be our there, giving hope to the lost.. I was so encouraged by the post right above this to do that very thing because i read about how YOU were doing it.. I don't even know if this makes sense.. but I just want to encourage you! You are an awesome, beautiful, soldier of Jesus and I am SO THANKFUL TO GOD that I came across your blog today. thank you so much. I pray that God blesses you with treasures in heaven forever and EVER for encouraging me!!! <3

  2. I just read this and it made me think of your post. It's so hard sometimes to be patient and just take the journey step by step, isn't it?
