Monday, October 24, 2011


Soooo, I've been really busy here at college and a lot of things have been going on!! I'm exhausted and sick but hopefully I can sleep after classes and a meeting tomorrow! So on Friday after lunch I left for New York City to go for Open air evangelism with about 20 other people on our ministry teams from here at Word of Life Bible Institute. So many stories from the people I talked to on the streets of NYC but the big point is that many seeds were planted and I led a teenage guy to Christ!!

I pray for all those I had short 2 minutes conversations with, and those that stuck around for me to present the whole gospel for, and for the man that mocked Jesus while trying to upset me by yelling, those that didn't want to talk but took the tract, and those that didn't, for those that think good works get you to heaven, i pray for the young muslim woman, and those that claimed to be Christians that they'll give the tract I gave them to someone they know that needs Jesus, I pray for Joe, Joe's friend that was so thirsty for the truth but didn't stay to talk to me, I pray for Jason, Francisco(the young man that put his trust in Christ), and the young woman who came to the realization that she needed Jesus but left without placing her trust in Him, and I pray for those who stopped to listen in on the conversations I was having with others while presenting the gospel, and for the worker at burger king that I gave a tract to while on the way home, and I pray that all my team members and all those that came this past weekend were stretched like I was. And lastly I thank God for who He is and what He's done inmy life and for dying on the cross for our sins and that He rose again, because without that I wouldn't have had any good news to share.

Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon changed my life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Big things

For a small town girl from a coal mining town in Pennsylvania I never really saw such big plans in my future till now. I'm at a Bible Institute in upstate New York and I've been praying for what to do with my life and right now I've been praying and praying hard about my future..just to put it out there, I'm trying to see if God's leading me to go to school in Argentina or to go and teach english in Japan. Prayers for me would be awesome!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I've been feeling empty lately. I'm trying so hard to make it through these past few days, I don't know what it is....I'm striving to get close to God and enjoy my time here but at the same time I find myself wondering why I'm here, I don't know...I'm trying to focus on the truth. That God loves me and that I have awesome friends here and I'm learning so much

What's going on?

So I've been at college for almost a month now and while I love it God's been doing a whole lot of work in my heart that..well it hurts. I know here at the Word of Life Bible Institute this is where God wants me, and I'm having so much making friends, listening to the lectures, and yes even studying(sometimes). But God's been working in my heart and the pruning hurts lol. Maturing should be a part of life and it is and seeing how much I've matured while here is I suppose awesome. I don't know how to explain it, but you know how God shows you something you need to fix but you usually just keep going in sin? (Or atleast I use to) well this time I listened and broke ties, while it hurt...ALOT, I've had friends praying over me and being there to comfort me and guess what, I'm not dead lol. I sense this is going to be an awesome year, I'm just stuck wondering what's next....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Having friends that love Jesus is so awesome, but what's even better is when you go to a Christian college and so you can just go find them on campus and talk to them. I've really been struggling lately and while it's hard it's comforting to know that they're praying for me! :)